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Trailers,  Interviews & Random Videos

The Stories Behind the Stories at Ronin Robot Press

Trailer for "Courier" by Terry Irving

First Book in the Freelancer Series


Trailer for Day of the Dragonking

First Book of the Last American Wizard

Terry Irving Interview

Storytellers Campfire 2015


Terry Irving Talk on Moral Courage

(based on Philippines Documentary)

Resume Reel

Terry Irving's Greatest Hits 

From Nightline to

10 Things Never to do on Network News

Terry Irving Interview on Courier

Thrillerfest 2014

WOCA Radio Interviews

Terry Irving on Courier


Book Trailer for 

On the Frontlines of the Television War

24 Hours With Charlie Company

(Beirut Airport - 1982)

Betsy Aaron for Nightline

Tony Hirashiki, Barrie Dunsmore

& Ted Koppel 

at National Archives December 2017

Book Trailer for  COURIER

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